illustrator + animator


illustrator + animator

Mickayla Koday, also known as KODYX, is an American illustrator and animator currently based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Inspired by music, movies, and manga, they enjoy blending creative methods and are always experimenting with new mediums.For commissions or information on their work, please email [email protected]

software proficiencies


illustrator + animator

Rolling Girl ー 「ローリンガー」

The story of a young woman caught up in the motions of daily life and her struggle to continue living. In this project I combined my interests in both illustration and animation by creating an animated music video. This project employs the use of digital illustration, 2D animation, motion graphics, and video editing.

Additional Credits

Original Song: ローリンガール (Rolling Girl) – wowaka
Instrumental: Master Andross
Vocals: Lollia

KODYX - Ident

Ident animation inspired by A24. Created with Adobe After Effects.

Additional Credits

Inspiration: A24 Logo Animation


illustrator + animator